18 Feb 2016

22-26 Feb: Bioethics Theory and Practice Seminars - Free

All are welcome to attend the Bioethics Theory and Practice Seminars at no cost. Details:

Date & TimeVenueTopic
Mon 22 Feb
Level 2 Seminar Room 3,
MHTP TRF Building
09:00-09:30 Introduction to bioethics theory & practice- Peter Douglas
09:30-10:50 Utilitarianism - Ryan Tonkens
10:50-11:20 BREAK
11:20-12:40 Virtue ethics - Justin Oakley
12:40-13:40 LUNCH
13:40-15:00 Kantian ethics - Catherine Mills
Tue 23 Feb
Level 2 Seminar Room 2,
MHTP TRF Building
09:00-10:30 Four-principle approach to biomedical ethics - Peter Douglas
10:30-11:00 BREAK
11:00-12:30 Doctor-patient relationships - Justin Oakley
12:30-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-15:00 Clinical ethics - Clare Delany
Wed 24 Feb
Level 2 Seminar Room 3,
MHTP TRF Building
09:00-10:30 Ethical issues at the beginning of life - Catherine Mills
10:30-11:00 BREAK
11:00-12:30 Reproductive Ethics - Ryan Tonkens
12:30-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-15:00 Ethical, legal & social implications of genetics - Ryan Tonkens
Thu 25 Feb
Level 2 Seminar Room 3,
MHTP TRF Building
09:00-10:30 Political philosophy & public health ethics - Michael Selgelid
10:30-11:00 BREAK
11:00-1230 Justice & healthcare resource allocation - Rob Sparrow
12:30-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-15:00 Ethical issues at the end of life - Peter Douglas
Fri 26 Feb
Level 2 Seminar Room 3,
MHTP TRF Building
09:00-10:30 Research ethics - Peter Douglas
10:30-11:00 BREAK
11:00-12:30 Dual-Use Research- Michael Selgelid
12:30-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-15:00 Neuro-ethics - Adrian Carter

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