26 Feb 2016

Call for 2017 CCS Honours and Graduate Research projects

AMREP Information Night 2015
The Central Clinical School Student Services Research office is coordinating marketing materials for the 2017 CCS Honours and Graduate Research project index booklet and webpage.  The projects will be advertised for recruitment of students for the following streams:
  • Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours)
  • Immunology and Human Pathology Honours
  • Graduate Research (Masters and PhD)
Staff are asked to submit project information via the MNHS Faculty project database
as follows:
Within the system:
1.       To enter a new project:  Go to “CREATE ENTRY” enter project details and ensure to SAVE each entry. 
2.       To edit existing projects that were offered in 2016, go to tab “MY ENTRIES”,  select your project and select Edit mode.

Please note that all previous project entries are now unpublished.
Under “OFFER STATUS”, you can select:
Ø  Leave as Offered (to make the project current)
Ø  Or select Archived (if you wish the project to remain visible to the public in site searches but is not offered)

For PUBLISHING options:

Select Publish to publish your project.  Uncheck the “PUBLISHED” box, if you want these projects archived in the database and not be visible to the public.

At any point you can re-publish the project at any time.

Please be reminded of Friday 22nd April deadline for submission of 2017 Bachelor of Medical Science (hons) projects.

A hard copy index booklet listing all project titles will be produced (see example of last year’s booklet: http://www.med.monash.edu.au/assets/docs/2016pgbooklet.pdf ).    If departments require hard copies of their projects, they can print them from the database.   The database will be made accessible to the public.  Note that students will be able to view these fields only: project title, project description, stream and supervisor contact information.


To support the promotion of the GR and Honours degree programs, the following student  information sessions is organized for potential Honours and PhD students.  Having all projects advertised well in advance of this will assist with course enquiries.
  • Bachelor of Medical Science (honours) information night: Monday 16 May 2016, Time to be advised,  Clayton campus –Jennifer Hoy/Paki Rizakis/Laisa Tigarea to coordinate CCS representation at Clayton.
  • AMREP Honours and Graduate Research information night:  Thursday 18 August 2016 (to be confirmed) at AMREP Education complex (lecture theatre, seminars rooms, tutorial/classrooms)
  • Biomedical Science Student Information session:  To be confirmed.Bachelor of Science Student Information session: To be confirmed.

Note that all course enquiries are directed to the CCS Honours research page http://www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/education/honours.html and http://www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/education/hdr-future.html.

 We look forward to receiving your Honours and GR project descriptions for 2017 soon.

Thank you and regards, Laisa

Contact information
Laisa Tigarea
Student Services Officer
Graduate Research and Honours Programs
Central Clinical School
Monash University
99 Commercial Road
Alfred Hospital Campus, Prahran, 3181
Tel: +61 (03) 99030027
M: +61 0408 727 302

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