26 Feb 2016

Perspectives: Call due 26 Feb 2016 for Submissions to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Prohibition of Live Imports of Primates for Research)

We need monkeys for life saving research to be done.
The Australian capacity to undertake this research is
under threat from a proposed legislative amendment.
Today is the last day you can put in a submission.
Now is the time as researchers who use animals in research to make a statement about the significance of animals in research. Animal rights groups generously fill with misinformation the vacuum provided by the normally reticent research community, and are doing their best with Parliamentarians.  They've successfully influenced Senator Rhiannon to make a proposal to prohibit importing non human primates for research. If this amendment is passed, it will mean the inbreeding of Australia's existing research colonies of primates, and ultimately render them useless. It also means that the animal rights groups will use this success for them to lobby more and harder for further erosion of Australia's capacity to conduct medical research using animals.

There is a call for submissions to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Prohibition of Live Imports of Primates for Research). A senate committee will meet on 1 March to go through the submissions, so today (26 Feb) is the last day you can put your submission in.


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