12 Feb 2016

Photo of the week: Lively interest in all things CCS

Gastroenterology PhD student CK Yao asking a question at the 2015 CCS Graduate Research symposium.
PhD student Marina Iacovou is to CK's left and one of the presenters, Mr Anmar Khan, to her right. See more: www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/education/hdr-symposium.html
and also the photo gallery.
Every year Central Clinical School hosts a graduate research student symposium. CCS has about 130 PhD students enrolled, so it is a lively occasion with many participants, and of broad scientific interest. Supervisors are also put to the test in two segments, to improvise either sense or nonsense on the spot, so it's entertaining as well as educational. Watch this space for the 2016 event.

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