21 Mar 2016

30 Mar deadline: Fresh Science and $50,000 stem cell prizes

Both Fresh Science and the $50,000 Metcalf Prizes for Stem Cell Research have been extended to Wednesday 30 March.

Still thinking about nominating? We're giving you the Easter break to complete your nominations - get it in by Wednesday, 30 March.
Fresh Science is a national competition that selects researchers with research results, an invention, or a discovery, trains them how to find and tell the story of their science, and helps them share their findings with the media and the public.

We’re looking for:

  •     early-career researchers (from honours students to no more than five years’ post-PhD)
  •     with a discovery that has had little or no media coverage
  •     and with ability to present their ideas in everyday English (something we can build on).
Nominate now at www.freshscience.org.au. It’s (relatively) pain-free.

Or, come and share a beer with this year’s Fresh Scientists and hear about their discoveries. We’re bringing Fresh Science to pubs in Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide and Sydney. Details at www.freshscience.org.au.

There’s also a new Prime Minister’s Prize – a $50,000 Prize for ‘New Innovators’, taking the total prize pool to $750,000. Nominations have just opened.

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