15 Mar 2016

Mary Ajamian Fulbright scholar with Gastroenterology Department

Mary Ajamian running a Zonulin assay.
She is seeking clinical trial participants
Mary Ajamian is a visiting Fulbright scholar with the CCS Department of Gastroenterology.  She is investigating the mechanisms behind the neurobehavioural effects of gluten. She recently presented at a Fulbright Presentation Event, where scholars had the chance to meet Australian as well as American leaders, celebrate their accomplishments, and present their research to the community. 

In attendance from the Australian side, there were MPs as well as leaders from national organizations such as the CSIRO. Unfortunately Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull couldn't make it but he wrote a congratulatory statement as well as signed the certificates as he is honorary Fulbright co-chair. From the US side, the US Ambassador to Australia (other honorary Fulbright co-chair), Deputy Chief of Mission, and Consul Generals from all Australian states were in attendance, and the Ambassador gave a speech (see below). There's also some material pertaining to the orientation that preceded the event, where we had chance to meet our fellow Fulbrighters.

See more:

Ambassador Berry's speech

The US Consulate General, Melbourne Facebook page items
Video featuring Australian and US scholars
Pictures from the event

The Australian-American Fulbright Commission posted a photo gallery of the event

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