4 Mar 2016

MIME Funding available for clinician-led development of new medical technologies

MIME Alfred Health Affinity Meeting
  • Thursday 28 April 2016
  • 9.00am - 11.00am
  • Alfred Medical Research and Education Precinct (AMREP), Seminar Room
  • Alfred Hospital, 75 Commercial Road, Melbourne

Phase 1 of the 2016 MIME Seed Fund opens on 8 April

  • Up to $500K ($10-$50K per application) is available to develop new medical technologies that address significant unmet clinical needs.
  • We invite Alfred Health clinician researchers to present their suggestions on clinical unmet needs that could potentially be addressed through an R&D collaboration with Engineering, IT and/or other researchers.
  • We invite all clinical and research staff interested in the development of medical technologies to attend. 
For further details regarding the seed fund please visit the MIME seed fund webpage:
About the MIME Seed Fund - Monash University

To RSVP to attend the MIME Alfred Health Affinity Meeting or if you are a clinician researcher wishing to present, please contact susan.newland@monash.edu

Susan Newland | Executive Officer
Monash Institute of Medical Engineering
Telephone: + 61 3 9902 0357 | Email: susan.newland@monash.edu
New Horizons (Building 82) | 20 Research Way | Clayton, VIC  3800

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