4 Mar 2016

Photo of the Week: “Snapshots of the immune system” photo exhibition 2016 - entries close 28 March 2016

Bovine pulmonary artery endothelial (BPAE) cell imaged with confocal microscope. Image courtesy
Monash Microimaging.
Researchers at all levels are invited to apply and submit images featuring the amazing immune system as part of the 2016 Day of Immunology activities. These can be histology, confocal, laboratory scenes, public health related, and everything in between.

The exhibition was conceived to not only display visually pleasing photos but to engage with the public and inform them of the cutting edge immunological research being conducted around Victoria.

Submission rules:
  • Photos need to relate to immunology on some level- whether it is a microscopy image of an immune cell dividing or an immunization program occurring on the other side of the World - this is a diverse and flexible category.
  • Open for researchers at all levels (students and staff).
  • All submissions need to come with a sentence in plain English describing the photo and how it relates to the immune system.
  • Entries close Monday 28 March at 5PM
  • Submit to info@dayofimmunology.org.au with the heading, name and sentence of your submission
The photography exhibition will be held in Melbourne with an opening night event. Prizes will be awarded for best entries, including a people's choice award!

For further details see attached flyer.

On behalf of the Day of Immunology organizing committee we look forward to seeing your snapshots of the immune system! 
Follow us:
Enquiries to:
Dr Jacqueline Flynn
Research Officer
Gorry Laboratory, Centre for Biomedical Research

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