27 Apr 2016

Congratulations to Karen Alt, Tiffany Khong and Ioanna Savvidou for Platform Access Grant success!

Dr Karen Alt
Dr Tiffany Khong
Dr Ioanna Savvidou
Congratulations to Drs Karen Alt, Tiffany Khong and Ioanna Savvidou who have won Faculty Platform Access Grant (PAG) funding in 2016 for their project titled, "Validation of a novel beta-catenin inhibitor in a myeloma-induced bone disease utilising molecular imaging platforms". 

Multiple Myeloma (MM) is the second most common hematologic malignancy accounting for 13% of hematologic cancers. Despite the introduction of new therapeutic modalities, relapse is inevitable due to the emergence of drug resistance. Thus, it is important to identify and validate new therapeutic agents that target alternative pathways that contribute to the pathogenesis and progression of MM. This new treatment approach will be evaluated by using molecular imaging for monitoring anti-myeloma therapeutic effect in vivo.

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