20 Apr 2016

Monash changes medicine degree from 2017

Medical degree articulation. Students can complete the BMedSc(Hons) after the first part - the BMedSc - of the locked double degree. They can then return to and complete the MD or continue into an accelerated PhD and return thereafter to the MD.
Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine (MD)

The Monash University School of Medicine is internationally recognised for providing a world-class education with a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to medical training.

Our medical program, the Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine (MD), has been designed in close consultation with doctors, health care professionals and leaders in the health and research sectors in order to give our students the scientific background and clinical expertise needed for a successful career as a doctor.

From MBBS to MD

From 2017 the Bachelor of Medical Science (BMedSc) and Doctor of Medicine (MD) which is a locked double degree will replace the MBBS(Hons) program. The BMedSc/MD is an internationally-recognised, higher level qualification.

Deputy Dean of the MD program Professor Michelle Leech explained, "The new program will, as before, be focussed on preparing graduates for medical practice but now with an even stronger focus on Patient Safety and enhanced research and professional practice skills to equip Monash Graduates to improve the health of our communities locally and globally.”

The Monash MD has been accepted as a minor change by the Australian Medical Council. Students who commence the MD will undertake a Scholarly Intensive Project in the final year of the course. Medical students will undertake traditional research activities as well having the opportunity to increase learning opportunities around clinical and professional practice.  The existing excellent Monash final year Patient Safety (Intern Preparation unit) will be further enhanced with extended learning outcomes. An intensified research methods learning module will be embedded in our Population Health and Society () theme, which is already well recognised for educational leadership in evidence-based practice medicine.

Students looking for a further challenge will be able to undertake an intercalated BMedSc(Hons) research year after completing Year 3 of the MD double degree program.  An accelerated PhD may be undertaken after BMedSc(Hons).

The MD will continue to offer the five year Direct Entry program, as well as the four year Graduate Entry program, with the same number of places available in both courses.

The entry and selection requirements for both programs will also remain unchanged.  Please check the website for the most current information and selection dates. http://www.med.monash.edu.au/medicine/admissions/documents/2017-domestic-brochure.pdf

The program has been accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC). For further information please contact, future@monash.edu

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