10 Apr 2016

Perspective: Stay current with animal-based biomedical research issues

Parkinson's model mice exercising motor skills of balance and
Animal models continue to provide the best insights into the physiology of health and disease. There are a number of UK and US based organisations dedicated to providing correct information about animal-based research. Australia's closest equivalent is ANZCAART

Website: eara.eu/en/ 
European Animal Research Association (EARA) communicates reliable information about the importance of the humane use of animals in biomedical research. They contributed to the recent debate over the recent, and unsuccessful, private member's bill put by Senator Rhiannon to ban the importing of non-human primates to Australia for medical research.

Speaking of Research aims to explain the important role of animals in research. For example, see their article on animal rights pseudoscience: https://speakingofresearch.com/extremism-undone/bad-science/

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