22 Apr 2016

Photo of the week: Epidermal/Development Lab group

2016 Epidermal/Development Lab group. L-R: Dr Marina Carpinelli, Mr Michael de Vries (PhD student), Dr Lee Miles, Dr Seb Dworkin, Dr Charbel Darido, Ms Lakshmi Krishnan, Ms Alana Auden, Dr Smitha Georgy. Absent: Prof Steve Jane, Mr Darren Partridge
The Epidermal/Development group headed by Prof Stephen Jane welcomes Dr Lee Miles and Mr Michael de Vries. Lee is a recent Monash PhD graduate specialising in developmental gene expression regulation using the animal model of zebra fish. Michael is a PhD student who started in 2015. His thesis topic is "The role of Grainyhead-like transcription factors in craniofacial development". See more about the group's research at www.med.monash.edu.au/medicine/alfred/research/epidermal-development.html

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