27 May 2016

Photo of the week: Head of Department of Immunology & Pathology, Professor David Tarlinton's group

2016 Tarlinton group. L-R: Mr Michael Low, Prof David Tarlinton, Ms Cathy Pitt, Dr Simona Infantino, Mr Nick Kocovski. Absent: Ms Kristy O'Donnell, Dr Dimitra Zotos

The Immune Memory Laboratory focuses on antibody memory - what triggers the formation of memory cells and what factors and processes regulate their composition, persistence and reactivation. The research in the Tarlinton laboratory examines the basis of antibody production in healthy individuals such as when they are vaccinated, or become infected; and in situations where antibody production causes illness, in autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and in cancers of antibody producing cells which include one called multiple myeloma (MM). The aim is to enable control of the process to achieve better health outcomes and better management of disease.

See more about the research:

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