6 May 2016

Photo of the week: BMedSc(Hons) information night

MBBS students attending a workshop on diabetic feet for CCS's first 'Megaday' of 2016. See more photos of the day.
Central Clinical School (CCS) is hosting its inaugural Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) information night on Wednesday 29 June 2016. The night will showcase the clinical and translational research projects on offer, for both Honours and the translational research themed accelerated PhD. Intending students will have the chance to talk with researchers about possible research projects and also with current and recently graduated students about their experience. They can also see the Alfred site for themselves. RSVP here.

The Alfred clinical connections are strong and closely linked with an equally strong basic research environment provided not only by CCS but by the affiliated research institutes, BakerIDI and Burnet. Particular areas of expertise for the Alfred site are allergy, blood diseases (cancer and thrombosis), burns, cancer, gastroenterology, immunology, infectious diseases including HIV and STDs, chronic diseases (diabetes and cardiovascular problems), perioperative medicine, psychiatry, surgery and many more. See the 2017 BMedSc(Hons) project booklet for projects on offer. It's a guide rather than definitive, as projects can evolve from students and researchers' mutual interests.

See more about the night at www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/education/bmedsc-honours.html. Summary detail and links listed below.

2017 entry: Information night details and links

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