10 Jun 2016

Participants sought: Does vaccinating males against HPV help to reduce HPV in males?

Vaccinating men for HPV - will it help reduce HPV?
Prevalence of genital HPV infection in males following introduction of universal male Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination - IMPRESS
This study will find out how common HPV is among males aged 17 to 19 years. We will compare two groups: males who have been offered vaccination against HPV as part of the vaccination program and those who were not offered the vaccination.

This study is important as it will tell us whether vaccinating males against HPV helps to reduce HPV in males when females have already been vaccinated.

Participants will need to complete a brief questionnaire and self-collect a penile swab. Participants will be reimbursed with a gift voucher.

 Contact details
Ms Rebecca Wigan, Melbourne Sexual Health Centre              
E: rwigan@mshc.org.au       
T: 1800 037 288
Ethics Committee Project Number: 503/13

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