9 Sept 2016

2016 AMREP EMCR Conference

EMCR 2016 Conference SAVE THE DATE!!

AMREP EMCR Conference
Tuesday 4 October 2016
AMREP Lecture Theatre
Registration deadline: 20 September 2016.

The AMREP EMCR Conference aims to bring together researchers, PhD, Masters and Honours students from the Burnet Institute, Baker IDI and Monash University. The Conference will provide a forum for EMCRs to present their work to fellow colleagues, encourage cross-institute collaborations, and enhance networking across the entire AMREP site.

The conference will be held on Tuesday 4 October 2016 in the AMREP Lecture Theatre.  Registration is free.  There will be oral presentations, posters and lay sessions with amazing prizes to be won (valued up to $500).  More details to be announced soon.

Please also keep an eye on the AMREP EMCR website for further details.

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