19 Sept 2016

Congratulations to Alfred Health physician trainees!

Alfred Health physician trainees with A/Prof Anne Powell (back row, 3rd from left)
Alfred Health physician trainees have achieved an 89% pass rate (24 registrars passing) in the recent  Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) clinical exams.  This result compares with a 73.1% national and 80.9% Victoria state pass rate.  Victoria is the highest performing state in Australia with many of the hospital training sites being Monash University affiliated.

All Monash University associated clinical sites are to be congratulated for contributing to the excellent results for Victoria, with Mildura having five basic physician trainees from Alfred and Peninsula rotating through and Monash University's other main teaching sites of Box Hill, Monash Medical Centre and Peninsula Health also getting an additional 42 registrars through the exams.

The program for Alfred Health was coordinated and supervised by the Directors of Physician Education Associate Professors Anne Powell and Laila Rotstein who are also our Directors of Central Clinical School's (CCS) Medical Education programs.  The physician training program involves over 100 highly trained consultants and senior registrars, who also contribute to CCS's medical student teaching program.

A big thankyou and warm congratulations to everyone involved.

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