19 Sept 2016

Lung Health Promotion Update: AIRmed news no. 41

The Department of Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory medicine has published issue 41 of its news. Highlights include recent publications, courses, awards to staff, etc. Featured here is the Lung Health Promotion update.

2016 has proven to be our busiest year yet as we update to meet the challenges of education delivery in the digital age. The Centre is on track with the rollout of updated website and material, with website release and switch to cloud based online booking, payment and customer management plan on course to be completed by year's end.

Core courses have been reviewed and reinvigorated with more current content and learning methods/techniques, for example use of the simulation model and lab. New specialist sessions have and are being developed ensuring the Centre’s offerings are relevant, current and topical.

In March we held what will hopefully be an annual Allergy Update Day led by Professor Robyn O’Hehir with A/ Professor Mark Hew. The day offered insights and advances in allergy assessment and management, while July saw an evening symposium “Allergy Diagnosis and Management Support Childhood to Adulthood” for General Paediatricians and Nurses with Professor Katie Allen from the Children’s hospital leading our guest speakers including Dr Ryan Hoy and Dr Celia Zubrinich.

Still to come this year we have courses on
  • COPD (6-7 October)
  • Asthma (16-18 November)
  • Smoking Cessation (24-25 November) 
  • Victorian Respiratory Professional Development Day, run in conjunction with the National Asthma Council Australia.

As part of the Alfred family please use 16Airmed50 as discount code – 50% off all Lung Health Promotion Centre courses when booking for Respiratory Medicine employees.
Please contact us on x62382 for further information about the Centre and courses or visit www.lunghealth.org

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