16 Nov 2016

Participants sought: Are you an ultra-runner?

The Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre (MAPrc) is currently conducting a study to investigate the psychological, cognitive and psychophysiological attributes of ultra-runners.  

It is often said that the ability to run ultra-marathons (distances longer than 42.195km) is more a matter of mental rather than physical strength.  

We are seeking:
  • volunteers aged between 18 and 70
  • ultra-runners and healthy volunteers who are not regular runners
Participation involves:
  • attending a single 3-hour session at the MAPrc (Level 4, 607 St Kilda Road, Melbourne) 
  • completing assessments exploring resilience, coping strategies, attitudes to pain and general personality traits 
  • completing a computerised task assessing emotional regulation skills and a test that measures their pain tolerance.
Recruitment end date: 28 Feb 2017

  • Ms Laura Knox email: laura.knox@monash.edu Ph: (03) 9076 9896

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