18 Nov 2016

Photo of the week: EMCRs @AMREP wanted for 2017!

The EMCR@AMREP group held a very successful symposium in October 2016. Pictured L-R here: Dr Karen Alt (ACBD), Dr Haloom Rafehi (EMCR Co-Secretary, Baker IDI), Professor Sharon Lewin (Director, Peter Doherty Institute and keynote speaker for the event), Dr Lachlan Gray (EMCR Chair, Burnet Institute/CCS), Dr Julia Gilmartin (SPHPM), Dr Thomas Bonnard (ACBD)
An Early-Mid Career Researchers (EMCR) Committee currently operates at the AMREP site and encompass EMCRs from Monash, Baker IDI, Burnet and the Alfred. Our primary purpose is to promote scientific exchange and oversee the professional development of EMCRs (1-15 years post-doc) and post-graduate students on the AMREP site.

The AMREP EMCR Committee is looking for dedicated, energetic and enthusiastic EMCRs (PhD students, and 1-10 years Postdocs) to join our growing and dynamic committee in 2017.
This committee will be responsible for the ongoing management and organisation of our EMCR-related activities at AMREP (encompassing Monash, Baker IDI, Burnet, and Alfred), including the following:

 - AMREP EMCR Retreat (to be held in 2017)
 - AMREP EMCR Conference (to be held in 2018)
 - AMREP EMCR Mentoring Program
 - AMREP EMCR Collaborative Seed Grants
 - AMREP EMCR Best Paper Awards
 - AMREP EMCR Newsletter
 - AMREP EMCR Website (including Facebook/Twitter)
 - Professional Development Seminars

If you would like to influence the direction and services provided by the AMREP EMCR Committee, now is your chance to sign up and get involved.

In doing so you'll also indirectly benefit by increasing your collegiate networks, gain experience organising events, improve your CV, make new friends and much more.

If you are interested, please reply to this email or alternatively come along to our next committee meeting, to be held in mid-December sometime (time and venue TBD). We'd love to see you there!

If you would like to discuss anything further with me before making your decision, I'm more than happy to do so. Just give me a call (0416148377) or send me an email (lachlan.gray@monash.edu).

Additionally we currently have an email list of EMCRs at AMREP that we would like to expand to include any new recruits to AMREP. This will allow the dissemination of information to EMCRs regarding relevant seminars, retreats, conferences, mentorship programs and social events. We make every effort to keep this mailing list current, but we also rely on labs to inform us of any new recruits who may like to join the mailing list.

Please reply to this email (ecr.amrep@monash.edu) if you are interested in joining our mailing list, or feel free to forward it onto anyone else who might be interested.

Best wishes,

Lachlan Gray
The AMREP EMCR committee.

AMREP Early-Mid Career Researcher Committee
Email: ecr.amrep@monash.edu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmrepEcrs
Web: http://www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/ecr
Intranet: https://sites.google.com/a/monash.edu/ccsintranet/ecr
Seminar calendar: http://www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/headlines/events-calendar.html

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