15 Feb 2017

Media mentions

Clot-busting drug to treat stroke destroys fatal blockages
Herald Sun Feb 16 2017 by Lucy Van den Berg
"A NEW drug that hijacks the body’s own blood to destroy clots could be given to stroke and heart attack patients ­before they reach hospital to reduce death and disability."
17 Feb 2017 Today show Channel 9 segment

ACBD hosted Professor Peter Grant from the University of Leeds at the beginning of 2016 (and he was appointed as Adjunct Prof). Peter is planning a  return visit later this year and sent host Rob Medcalf a copy of the Alumni magazine in which he wrote a very warm article about his experience at Monash (pages 12-13).

Peter says, "I felt and still feel a great debt of gratitude to Rob Medcalf for giving me the opportunity to work in Melbourne for three months and to my clinical and academic colleagues for allowing me to leave Leeds for this time. Indeed, visiting Melbourne has been one of the cultural and academic highlights of my entire career."

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