26 Apr 2017

Call out for reading material for ages 0-12 years for Bali school

2 May 2017 update: Many thanks to all those who have contributed. The book drive has been a great success with over 600 books donated and no more can be taken. We're looking forward to seeing photos of the freshly stocked library!

Former SPHPM colleague, Andy McGrath worked at the Alfred Campus for several years prior to moving to Bali for his young son's health in 2014.  Andy is a qualified school teacher, who with his wife Sabrina, set up an Early Learning Centre and now a Primary School (Stella Mundi Primary School). The latter is due to open in Bali later this year.

With limited access to English texts, the couple are now seeking resources for the education facilities and have put out a call for unwanted/used books that are in good condition and appropriate for ages 0 - 12 years.

This includes chapter books, readers, novels, non-fictional texts or other appropriate print material.

Below is an email from Andy. The newsletter provides more information about the book drive. 

Donations can be left Monash Reception on Level 6 at the Alfred Centre and on the Ground Floor at 553 St. Kilda Road.

"Dear friends and family, As many of you know Sabrina and I have been building our school in Bali pretty much since we arrived in 2014. We completed our Early Learning Centre November 2015 and now are in the thick of building our Primary School on the same road. The journey has been quite extraordinary with loads of challenges and one of these is access to books. We want to raise the standards of education here in Bali but to do that we really need books, and lots of them!   I have attached our story to this email which details the reasons why we built a school in the first place, the growth and development of the school and also our current needs.  If any of you can find it in yourselves to arrange a book drive at your local school, library or work place it would really help us. But please we only wish to collect books that are in good condition, are age-appropriate (0-12 years with a focus on the 2-9 age group) and in either English or Bahasa Indonesia.

"Thank you for your time and I hope to hear back from you!"

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