28 May 2017

Are you fit and forty+? Healthy volunteers wanted for research study!

Healthy control participants are sought for
MAPrc's ultra-runner research study.
Healthy male and female volunteers aged between 40-55 years are sought for a research study being conducted at the Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre (MAPrc).

This study is looking at the cognitive, psychological and physiological attributes of ultra-runners compared to the general population. If you are healthy but not ultra-fit and would like to participate, we would love to hear from you!

Participation involves attending a single 2-hour session at MAPrc, which is located at Level 4 607 St Kilda Road, Melbourne. Participants will complete assessments exploring their resilience, coping strategies, attitudes to pain and general personality traits. They will also complete a computerised task assessing their emotion regulation skills and a test that measures their pain tolerance.

Potential participants will be screened prior to their involvement in the study to ensure that they are eligible to take part. Participants will be reimbursed for their travel costs.

Ms Laura Knox, Research Assistant, Therapeutic Brain Stimulation Team, MAPrc
email laura.knox@monash.edu ph: (03) 9076 9896

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