6 Jun 2017

Congratulations to "Deadeye" Gavin Horrigan!

Gavin Horrigan with his cornucopia
of prizes from a shooting competition
AMREP Precinct Manager Gavin Horrigan had a huge day shooting at Ararat on Saturday 3 June. He didn’t miss a single target in three events totalling seventy (70) targets!

Gavin shot the 10 target eye opener clean hitting each target with his first shot to net the full 30 points (three points for a first shot, two points for a second barrel and no points for a miss). Only one other shooter managed a similar clean run. In the second event he shot all thirty targets and went into a shoot off for 1st and 2nd in A Grade eventually getting first place after a tense 12 target shoot-off. Entering the final 30 target event Gavin was still in the running for the club’s $1,000 jackpot which is awarded to any shooter with a completely clean run for the day. Although he managed to shoot 28 of this targets with the first barrel two targets were broken with second barrel shots so the jackpot lived to see another shoot. Another A Grade shooter shot 89/90 in the final event and took 1st in A Grade with Gavin coming a very respectable 2nd on 88/90. It was an exceptional day’s shooting and Gavin was High Gun (best shooter) on the day with a score of 148/150.

The photo shows Gavin with his prizes which included cash, a slow cooker, ammunition and a High Gun medallion.

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