22 Jun 2017

Photo of the week: The heat is on for our CCS 3MT speakers!

2016's CCS Three Minute Thesis contestants: L-R Erica Kim (Medicine), Caroline Tuck (Gastroenterology), Jessica Anania (Burnet), Aron Hill (MAPrc), Liriye Kurtovic (Burnet), Riya Palchaudhuri (Burnet), Paddy Dempsey (Baker, and winner, see his video), Marina Iacovou (Gastroenterology), Elizabeth Thomas (MAPrc).
This year's heat is next Tuesday, 27 June 2017. All welcome!

2017 CCS 3MT competition details - see details of this year's contestants

  • Date: Tuesday 27 June 2017
  • Time: 2.00 - 3.00 pm
  • Venue: Lecture Theatre, Level 5, Alfred Centre
  • No RSVP required, all welcome.

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