22 Jun 2017

Translational Research Symposium Speaker Spotlight - Prof Helen Dewey

Professor Helen Dewey
Monash University's 3rd annual Translational Research Symposium is being hosted by its three metropolitan clinical schools on 31 July 2017. The symposium will host a diverse group of medical researchers presenting their work into translational research. RSVP here.

Professor Helen Dewey is the Director of Neurosciences at Eastern Health Clinical School.

Professor Dewey will be presenting on "The long walk to effective therapies in acute stroke". Abstract:
Over the last 25 years, stroke care has undergone a revolution with the introduction of a number of effective therapies leading to much better outcomes for stroke sufferers. Translation of promising ideas into every day clinical practice is often very slow and this is well illustrated with respect to the implementation of intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischaemic stroke (AIS). Conversely, the establishment of the Victorian state wide endovascular clot retrieval service for patients with AIS very soon after publication of the pivotal large randomised controlled trials in 2015 provides an example of effective translation of research into practice. A Very Early Rehabilitation Trial in Stroke (AVERT) will be used to provide an example of how clinical observations inform clinical trial design and how outcomes are translated into practice.

We look forward to welcoming Professor Dewey for the Symposium!

More information:
Translational Research Symposium
  • Date: Monday 31 July, 2017
  • Time: 8:30 for 9:00am start - 7:00pm close
  • RSVP here
Find out more about the symposium and our speaker program.

If you are a graduate student or early career researcher, you may be interested in the Young Investigator poster competition. See here for more details and to RSVP.

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