9 Aug 2017

2017 AMREP EMCR Best Paper Awards: applications closing soon!

There is only one month to go until applications close for the 2017 Awards! AMREP EMCRs are encouraged to apply soon to avoid disappointments. Details
In 2017, the EMCR Committee will call for six AMREP EMCR Best Paper Awards to honour the outstanding research that is being done and published by early and midcareer researchers at AMREP. The EMCR Committee will award three best paper awards of $500 to Early-Career Researchers, and three best paper awards of $500 to Mid-Career Researchers.
  • 2017 AMREP Biomedical Research Early-Career Researcher Best Paper Award
  • 2017 AMREP Biomedical Research Mid-Career Researcher Best Paper Award
  • 2017 AMREP Clinical Research Early-Career Researcher Best Paper Award
  • 2017 AMREP Clinical Research Mid-Career Researcher Best Paper Award
  • 2017 AMREP Public Health Early-Career Researcher Best Paper Award
  • 2017 AMREP Public Health Mid-Career Researcher Best Paper Award
A publication published in 2016 (including Epub online publication) will be eligible for the 2017 AMREP EMCR Best Paper Award, and the EMCR must be listed as the first author, or last author on the nominated research paper.
Publications will be assessed on four key criteria:
  • journal quality (impact factor)
  • originality of research
  • potential for research impact and significance
  • contribution to research field

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