4 Aug 2017

Congratulations to Devy Deliyanti on JDRF Post-doctoral Fellowship

Dr Devy Deliyanti receives a three 
year JRDF Post-doc fellowship
Congratulations to Dr Devy Deliyanti, on receiving a three-year Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Post-doctoral Fellowship.  Dr Deliyanti, a Research Fellow in the Diabetic Retinopathy Lab, Department of Diabetes is one of only two Australians to receive the fellowship this year.

The award will enable Devy to evaluate if boosting the immunosuppressive capacity of regulatory T cells improves retinal disease in type 1 diabetes. Devy will interrogate the efficacy of various treatment approaches in animal models of diabetic retinopathy and build upon her recent first author paper in Nature Communications (in press).

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