18 Aug 2017

Neurological research champions celebrated by Bethlehem Griffiths Research Foundation

Professor Terry O'Brien (left) receiving his
medal from Professor Stephen Davis,
previous BGRF medal winner.
This year’s Bethlehem Griffiths Research Foundation (BGRF) Medal has been awarded to Professor Terence O’Brien in recognition of his internationally-acclaimed research that has transformed the lives of many people with epilepsy as well as traumatic brain injury, dementias and brain tumours.

Patients with difficult to control, drug-resistant epilepsy now have access to more effective treatment options, including surgery, and a better understanding of the adverse effects of long-term medication use. Women with epilepsy have also benefited and now have better information about minimising the risk of medication on their unborn child while maximising the chance of seizure control.

Professor O'Brien’s group focuses on the pre-clinical identification, evaluation and development of novel therapeutic approaches. But it differs from many traditional preclinical testing programs as it strives to identify disease modifying, rather than just symptomatic treatments, mitigating the progress of epilepsy and comorbidities. This research work formed the basis of a 2016 $25m grant for an international multi-centre pre-clinical and clinical study to advance the development of effective anti-epileptogenic therapies.

See more about Professor O'Brien's forthcoming appointment at Central Clinical School (CCS) from 1 October this year.

Dr Steven Petratos, Dr Maithili Sashindranath and Professor Harshal Nandurkar from CCS also received recognition awards for their research funded by BGRF.

More information about BGRF and the event:
Julienne Lewis CEO, Bethlehem Griffiths Research Foundation on 0409513443 email commedge@tpg.com.au

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