18 Aug 2017

Dr Bridgette Semple, PhD, at the Inaugural Sprint Program

Dr Bridgette Semple presenting at the inaugural Sprint Program
Dr Bridgette Semple, PhD, was the guest speaker at the Inaugural Sprint Program at Monash University, Clayton, on 20 July 2017.

Hosted by the Biomedicine Discovery Institute and the Faculty of Science, Sprint is a 4 day professional development program targeted at the best and brightest female students enrolled in the Bachelor of Biomedical Science and Bachelor of Science programs.

Sprint is inspired by Oxford University research and it aims to help female undergraduate students develop their skills and confidence so that they can make the most of the opportunities coming their way.

Dr Semple presented her journey from an undergraduate degree in Biomedical Science, to postdoctoral training in San Francisco, to her current position as a Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne.

Dr Semple has recently been recruited back to Monash, and will join the Department of Neuroscience at the AMREP campus in 2018.

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