9 Oct 2017

Congratulations to Eric Chow for Early Career Researcher Fellows Publication Prize

Dr Eric Chow

Early Career Researchers (ECRs) and ECR Fellows from the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences have been honoured with the Faculty’s annual ECR Publication Prizes.

Congratulations to Dr Eric Chow, Melbourne Sexual Health Clinic, Central Clinical School, who has won the Early Career Researcher Fellows Publication Prize for Non-Laboratory Based Research, for his article, "Quadrivalent vaccine-targeted human papillomavirus genotypes in human heterosexual men after the Australian female human papillomavirus vaccination program: a retrospective observational study" Lancet Infect Dis. 2017 Jan;17(1):68-77. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(16)30116-5. Epub 2016 Jun 6.

Eric says, "I am honoured to be awarded the 2017 Early Career Researcher Fellows Publication Prize for Non-Laboratory Based Research. I would like to thank my co-authors and colleagues at the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre for their contributions. I intent to spend the prize money to present my latest research findings at the IUSTI 2018 World & Europe Congress in Dublin in 2018."

This year 7 prizes were awarded - (5 Early Career Researcher and 2 Early Career Researcher Fellows), to ECRs who have published an outstanding piece of research.

All 7 prize winners received a certificate and $1,000 towards furthering their research career.

See full list of winners.

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