18 Sept 2017

Medicine and the media: short course 25 Nov 2017

Medicine and the media
Copyright: idrutu / 123RF Stock Photo
Medicine and the media
Saturday 25 November 2017
9am - 4:30pm
553 St Kilda Road, Melbourne
Course fee:  $299 (incl GST)

In this one-day interactive course, participants from both academic and journalism backgrounds will work together to identify important barriers in communication of health research to the general public.
The paradigm of evidence-based medicine and how it can be used to enhance reporting will be highlighted, using recent case studies of optimal and imbalanced reporting. Small group sessions will engage journalists in tasks designed to explore evidence based approaches to reporting, while researchers and academics will cover tips for better engagement with media such as how to stay on message, avoid being misquoted and steer away from difficult areas. Mock interviews of academics by a prominent health journalist will be staged to demonstrate useful media techniques, and safe and effective use of social media tools to convey your message will also be discussed.

Further information and registration:  www.monash.edu/medicine/sphpm/teaching/shortcourses/med-and-media

Enquiries:  shortcourses.depm@monash.edu  T: +91 03 9903 0693

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