9 Oct 2017

Congratulations to "Top Gun" Gavin Horrigan

Gavin Horrigan shows off his winner's sash
When it comes to shooting, Gavin Horrigan doesn't subscribe to 'near enough is good enough' , or 'hit and miss' for that matter.

Gavin competed very successfully at the Ararat Clay Target Club’s most recent shoot on Saturday 7 October.

He shot 28/30 in the 10 target eye opener (three points for a first barrel, two points for a second barrel and nothing for a miss), was the only shooter out of 35 present on the day to shoot the 50 target double barrel event clean (50/50) and shot 24/25 off 19m (the normal mark being 15m behind the trap house) in the Bill Crouch Memorial Handicap (no-one shot 25/25 due to the extremely windy conditions). After shooting off against seven other shooters on 24/25 Gavin managed to secure fourth place (prizes for first to fifth place) in the handicap. This photo shows Gavin with the sash he won as overall winner in the 50 target double barrel event. He also won seven boxes of shot shells, a clay target thrower, a cap and a medal. Gavin was High Gun (best shooter not counting shoot off results) with an overall score of 102/105.

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