9 Oct 2017

Mental Health Week launch event - Mental health in the workplace

The Monash Alfred Psychiatry research centre (MAPrc) is hosting a stand for the Mental Health Week Launch Event on Monday 9 October from 3.00-7.30pm. The event opens on Monday 9 October at 3 pm at the Deakin Edge theatre, Federation Square. Please drop by and say hello to the MAPrc team!
  • Emorfia (Emmy) Gavrilidis: Women’s Mental Health
  • Wei Lin Toh, Alessandra Gaillard, James Karatonis, Imogen Bell: Cognitive Neuropsychiatry
  • Stuart Lee: Services Research & Development Team
  • David Elliot: Therapeutic Brain Stimulation Team
  • Li Hoon Lai: Psychopharmacology
Come along and meet some of our key researchers to discuss current directions in treatment options and findings relating to all things mental health.  MAPrc is world leading in advocacy, education, clinical and research treatments across a broad range of mental illnesses including: women’s mental health; complex trauma disorder; severe depression and anxiety; dementia; schizophrenia, bi-polar; auditory and visual hallucinations; and many more.

The launch aims to raise awareness about mental health and wellbeing among community members.
This is the first global and Australian focus on a critically important health and workplace issue.

Work plays an important role as a conduit to managing employee wellbeing, offering connectedness, social inclusion, identity, purpose, structure as well as an income. Above all it is every human’s right to work. Mental illness does not equate to mental incompetence. 

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