5 Dec 2017

Healthy blood donors aged 60+ (miniscule amount - 9 ml) wanted for research study on sepsis

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Healthy blood donors wanted
to give 9 ml blood
Call out for healthy blood donors to provide a small amount of blood (9ml) as part of the project: A pilot study towards the development of point-of-care testing to diagnose sepsis. The project investigates established and novel biomarkers involved with sepsis.

One of the aims of our project is to measure the levels of sepsis biomarkers in healthy donors in order to have a baseline of comparison to Sepsis-positive patients. Since most of the Sepsis patients, who are currently being recruited in the Alfred Intensive Care Unit, are between 60-70 years of age, we are interested in healthy volunteers in the same age group for an 'apples for apples' comparison.

The data generated from this study is not anticipated to produce information that is relevant to your current or future health and well-being. All information about you will be treated confidentially, disclosed only with your permission, in compliance with the law.

We would like to recruit during the next week, so please let me know if you would be willing to donate to this study, and when it would better suit you.

If you are an AMREP staff member and are 60 years of age or above, we would greatly appreciate your involvement in our study!

Kind Regards,

Riya Palchaudhuri

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