13 Dec 2017

Thank you to our blood donors!

Your blood donation has been a gift without
which our research at ACBD could not progress.
To our valued blood donors,

Time flies when you’re having fun!  As 2017 rushes toward its end, we wanted to take some time out to thank you, our invaluable blood donors, for your ongoing support of our important research into blood-based diseases. We had some serious research highlights into managing blood clotting, see below.

The work we do here at the Australian Centre for Blood Diseases is vitally dependent on regular donations of fresh human blood.  Every occasion that you have taken time out of your day to come in, roll up your sleeve, and generously provide us with this invaluable sample, you have supported our Centre’s scientists to continue our fight against several of the most prevalent diseases in our communities.  Regular human blood samples from the community allows our work to be relevant and meaningful.

So, from all of us here, a huge thanks to YOU!

Given you were an integral part of our work this year, we thought we would share just a few of the highlights of our recent progress.  This year, work from our Centre has:
  • Developed and tested the first of a brand new group of drugs that we aim to use for the prevention of the blood clots that cause heart attack and stroke;
  • Designed a prototype ‘point-of-care’ device for the quick and effective on-the-spot testing of blood clot propensity in patients;
  • Developed a new way to localise drugs used to dissolve blood clots – concentrating these drugs to the place they need to be and minimising any side effects they might cause.
None of this work would be possible without your ongoing support, and for that we are truly grateful.  We wish you a healthy and enjoyable festive season, and we hope to see you again in 2018.
With our thanks and best wishes, on behalf of all of the researchers at the Australian Centre for Blood Diseases.

Justin Hamilton, PhD
ARC Future Fellow
Australian Centre for Blood Diseases
Monash University

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