8 Dec 2017

Video of the week: T Clark Gamblin "The forgotten male cancers"

The Department of Surgery hosted a public lecture last month (Thursday 2 November 2017), given by Professor T. Clark Gamblin, Chief of Surgical Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. The informative lecture looked at the progression and treatment of “The forgotten male cancers”.

Professor Gamblin, an internationally renowned surgeon specialising in cancers of the liver and pancreas, is a Fulbright Scholar who is visiting Australia on the Fulbright Specialist Program.

Video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fQeneqngGM&t=3s
Photo gallery: https://photos.app.goo.gl/344h2WcSywOEL0eA2
Event: www.monash.edu/medicine/ccs/headlines/events-calendar/2017-surgery-public-lecture

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