15 Mar 2018

Congratulations to Aron Hill and Fabien Vincent on the completion of their PhDs!

Congratulations to two of our recent PhD graduates, Aron Hill and Fabien Vincent!

Aron Hill presenting at the
2016 CCS 3MT Thesis heat
Fabien Vincent
Aron Hill was conferred with his PhD award in March of this year. The thesis is titled, "A neurophysiological investigation into optimised approaches to transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for neurocognitive enhancement". Aron was supervised by A/Prof Kate Hoy, Prof Paul Fitzgerald, Dr Nigel Rogasch, Monash Alfred Psychiatry research centre. See more about Aron's research in a profile feature.

Fabien Vincent (right) likewise received his PhD award in March. His thesis is titled, "The BAFF/APRIL system: emerging new and unappreciated biomarkers in autoimmunity​". His supervisors were Prof Fabienne Mackay (previously Head of the Monash University Department of Immunology and Pathology) and Prof Eric Morand (Head, School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health).

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