2 Mar 2018

Participants sought: Depression in menopausal women

We are seeking women to participate in a study on depression in menopausal women. The title of the study is "Double-Blind Randomised Investigation of Tibolone Alone or in Adjunct to Standard Antidepressant Treatment for Depression in Menopausal Women".
All women experience menopause, and a significant number of those women experience ongoing, severe depression during this time. Many women with this type of depression are treated with standard antidepressant medication. However, standard antidepressant medication has only shown small improvements. Hormone treatments which directly target the changes to reproductive hormone systems may be a better overall treatment of perimenopausal depression.

Therefore this randomised double-blind placebo trial aims to investigate the use of the hormone medication, tibolone, in treating depression that coincides with the menopause phase.

This trial consists of 3 face-to-face appointments, and several phone appointments over 12 weeks. Participants will be provided with the study medication free of charge, and closely monitored throughout the trial. At the end of the trial, all participants will meet with Professor Jayashri Kulkarni to discuss their trial results, and discuss future treatment options.

Contact:  Miss Caitlin Bleeker
E: maprc.wmhresearch@monash.edu
T: (03) 9076 6526
W: http://www.maprc.org.au/tibolone
Ethics Committee Project Number: 485/11 (Alfred Health)

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