23 Mar 2018

Registrations open for 2018 AMREP Student Retreat

Students from last year's retreat
The 2018 AMREP Student Retreat is now taking RSVPs!! What happens at the retreat:

Social activities
  • Beach games
  • Surfing/Kayak
  • Trivia night
 Educational activities
  • Key Note speakers
  • Panel discussion
  • Panel debate
  • Where: Coastal Forest Lodge, Anglesea
  • When: May 10-11
  • Transport: Buses will depart AMREP
  • Cost: $175 including transport. However, subsidies apply depending if you are from Baker, Burnet or CCS. See detail of breakdown below.
  • Registration link:  https://goo.gl/forms/CAtVXUCFIquagiDv2
CCS STUDENTS - The Student Retreat is lab funded. Supervisors are encouraged to request funding support from their Departments to support their students’ attendance.

BURNET STUDENTS - The event is partially funded by your Institute (up to 50% depending on numbers). The remaining amount will need to be lab funded. If you’re both a CCS and Burnet student, please select Burnet as your primary Institute in the form.

BAKER STUDENTS - Fully funded by Baker. Baker students please register at: http://intranet/students/up_and_coming_events/

Please speak with your supervisor prior to completing this form. If your supervisors have any queries, please have them email Amy Searle (Baker Student Committee Co-President) amy.searle@baker.edu.au

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