25 May 2018

CCS 3MT heat deadline today and forthcoming event 21 June

Everyone is invited to our school's 2018 heat for the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition! See more about this year's and earlier CCS heats at www.monash.edu/medicine/ccs/education/current-students/hdr-3mt. Any questions about the event, contact Sharmila Ramesh, Sharmila.Ramesh@monash.edu.

See our current list of participants below. The deadline for participants to register is TODAY, 25 May 2018. See more about rules and guidelines: https://www.monash.edu/3mt

So far, we have four PhD students registered - Best of luck!

Ms Rose Brazilek
Supervisors: A/Prof Robert Andrews, Dr Warwick Nesbitt, Prof Harshal Nandurkar, Prof Arnan Mitchell
Thesis title: Engineering and validation of an integrated lab on a chip platform for platelet research and clinical diagnostics
Department: ACBD

Mr Jasper Cornish
Supervisors: Dr Raffi Gugasyan, Prof Paul Ramsland, Dr George Grigoriadis
Thesis title: The role of NF-kB1 in Fo B Cell Homeostasis and Function
Department: Burnet

Mr Shane Nanayakkara
Supervisors: Prof David Kaye, Dr Melissa Bryne
Thesis title: Mechanisms and Therapeutics of Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction
Department: Baker

Ms Amy Searle
Supervisors: Prof Karlheinz Peter, Ms Xiaowei Wang
Thesis title: Novel, innovative and risk free drug targeting for cardiovascular diseases
Department: Baker

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