4 May 2018

Invitation to 14 June 2018 Jeffrey Modell Immunodeficiencies launch

You are invited to the JMF Centre for Primary Immunodeficiencies Melbourne Opening Symposium.

Invitation link
https://jmfmelbournelaunch.eventbrite.com.au and input code: JMF18

When: Thursday 14 June 2018, 10am - 6pm
Where: AMREP Education Centre Lecture Theatre
Features: Scientific, clinical and public engagement sessions and Centre Dedication ceremony
Confirmed Speakers include:
- Prof Matthew Cook (ANU, Canberra)
- Prof Stuart Tangye (Garvan Inst, Sydney)
- Dr Julian Bosco (Alfred Hospital)
- Dr Vanessa Bryant (WEHI/Melbourne Uni)
- Dr Sharon Choo (RCH)
- Prof Jo Douglass (RMH/Melbourne Uni)
- Dr Raffi Gugasyan (Burnet Inst)
- Dr Samar Ojaimi (Monash Health)
- Dr Charlotte Slade (RMH/WEHI)
- A/Prof Menno van Zelm (Monash Uni/Alfred Hospital)

For more information and to register follow the link below:
https://jmfmelbournelaunch.eventbrite.com.au and input code: JMF18
We look forward to welcoming you the event
JMF Centre Melbourne
Enquiries: Dr Emily Edwards E: Emily.edwards@monash.edu

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