23 May 2018

Visit from Professor Tomasz Guzik to Diabetes Department

L-R: Dr Zhong-Lin Chai, Dr Chris Tikellis, Professor Karin Jandeleit-Dahm, Dr Anna Watson, Professor Tomasz Guzik, Professor Mark Cooper, Dr Jay Jha
The Department of Diabetes recently hosted a visit from a distinguished researcher and collaborator, Professor Tomasz Guzik. Prof Guzik is a cardiologist and physiologist and the Regius Professor of Physiology at the University of Glasgow. He is also Chief Editor of the journal Cardiovascular Research. He recently presented at the Department of Diabetes Meeting and is an active collaborator of Prof Karin Jandeleit-Dahm's group on her work of NOX (NDAPH oxidase family enzymes) in cardiovascular disease. NOXs are implicated in the pathophysiology of many cardiovascular diseases.

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