8 Jun 2018

Photo of the week: CCS Gender, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) Committee launched

CCS's 2018 Gender, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) Committee. L-R: Dr Min Tan, Ms Amy Searle, Dr Maithili Sashindranath, Dr Kim Murphy, Dr Caroline Gurvich, Dr David Wright, Ms Ashleigh Clarke, Associate Professor Anneke van der Walt. The committee's email is ccs.gedi@monash.edu.
The CCS Gender, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) Committee represents the CCS at both Faculty and University levels, making recommendations about initiatives, policies and procedures pertaining to diversity and inclusion that are relevant to CCS.

Our objective is to provide a forum for staff and students at CCS to raise concerns and issues about diversity and inclusion. As guided by the Faculty, we address issues relevant to gender equity and respectfulness, cultural and linguistic diversity; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) communities; and staff and students with carer responsibilities, disabilities, mental health issues and those from Indigenous and underrepresented backgrounds (e.g. low socio-economic status).

We will also share information about the University’s diversity and inclusion strategies, and publicise diversity and inclusion initiatives and events occurring at AMREP and other university campuses via the CCS blog.

For our first venture, we will be sending out a link to a survey shortly to assess the GEDI-relevant needs of the CCS. If you want to bring a GEDI-relevant issue to our notice, this will be your chance; we would love to hear from you! We can also be reached via email at ccs.gedi@monash.edu

Members of the CCS GEDI committee are:

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