27 Jul 2018

Eye on GEDI: Gender, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at CCS

27 August 2018 Multicultural lunch hosted by GEDI
Thank you to all CCS Staff & Students who have completed the CCS Gender Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (GEDI) survey.  We have had 37 responses so far that have provided the committee with feedback on current issues of concern around the School and suggestions of future committee activities. We will be following up on the issues that have been raised so far.  The short survey is still open - please find link on the CCS intranet GEDI page - and we encourage all CCS staff and students to complete this survey.

During Diversity and Inclusion week (Aug 27 - 31), the GEDI committee will be hosting a multicultural lunch in the AMREP foyer on Monday 27 August from 1.30 - 2.30pm.  This will be a great opportunity to engage with CCS staff and students, meet the GEDI committee and learn more about CCS and Monash initiatives that celebrate and recognise diversity and inclusion. There will be more information in the CCS blog - look out for the Eye on GEDI section.

Kind regards
CCS GEDI Committee

CHAIR- Caroline Gurvich (Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre)
DEPUTY CHAIR Maithili Sashindranath (Australian Centre for Blood Diseases)
  • Anneke Van Der Walt (Department of Neurosciences)
  • Min Tan (Department of Diabetes)
  • David Wright (Department of Neurosciences)
  • Ashleigh Clarke (CCS Research Manager)
  • Kim Murphy (Department of Immunology)
  • Amy Searle (CCS HDR Student Representative)
  • Jessica Borger (Department of Immunology and Pathology)

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