27 Jul 2018

Photo of the week: ACRF Blood Cancer Therapeutics launch

The Australian Centre for Blood Diseases hosted a launch of the new Australian Cancer Research Foundation (ACRF) Blood Cancer Therapeutics Centre on 24 July 2018. The visitors from ACRF and the community had a tour of the new laboratory and centre, then listened to talks from the senior researchers and a patient who has already benefited from the research into improved treatments. Seen here, left to right, are Mr Russell Caplan (Director, ACRF), Kerry Strydom (Chief Operating Officer, ACRF), Mr Greg Camm (Director, ACRF), Victoria Bonsey (Philanthropy & Engagement Manager, ACRF), Professor Ian Brown (CEO, ACRF), Mr Gordon Wheaton (Wheaton Foundation donor), Professor Andrew Spencer (Group leader, ACBD and Head of the Malignant Haematology and Stem Cell Transplantation Service, The Alfred), Associate Professor Andrew Wei (Group Leader, ACBD and Head of leukaemia research, The Alfred). See more about the launch and the centre in this issue's story.

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