16 Aug 2018

Congratulations to Drs Eric Chow and Tamsyn van Rheenen, Club Melbourne winners!

Dr Eric Chow (left) and Dr Tamsyn Van Rheenen (right) are
inaugural joint winners of the Club Melbourne Fellowship 
Congratulations to Dr Eric Chow (Melbourne Sexual Health Centre) and Dr Tamsyn Van Rheenen (formerly of Monash Alfred Psychiatry research centre, now at University of Melbourne) who won the Club Melbourne Fellowship Award on Monday 13 August.

In a first for the Program, the 2018 Club Melbourne Fellowship judging resulted in a unanimous tie, awarding Co-Fellows Dr Eric Chow and Dr Tamsyn Van Rheenen a $10,000 Fellowship each. The Fellowship is designed to support their attendance at international conferences to enable new, life changing opportunities for their research projects, with the hope that they will evolve to become Ambassadors themselves in the future.

Dr Eric Chow, a Senior Research Fellow at Melbourne Sexual Health Centre and Monash University is an epidemiologist and an expert in sexual health related to preventing and controlling sexually transmitted infections, particularly in gonorrhoea and human papillomavirus.

Dr Tamsyn Van Rheenen is an NHMRC Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne, and her research focuses on understanding cognition in the major psychiatric disorders using behavioural and neuroscientific techniques.

They were commended by Club Melbourne for “representing Victoria’s strength in innovation, research excellence and thought-leadership, and ... contribution to the global reputation of our state.”

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