24 Aug 2018

Congratulations to our newly completed PhD students, Ashlee Conway, Waled Shihata and Fiona Wightman!

Congratulations to our newly completed PhD students, Drs Waled Shihata, Ashlee Conway and Fiona Wightman!

Dr Waled Shihata
Waled's thesis is titled, "Pathophysiological Effects Of High Intraluminal Pressure In Cardiovascular Disease: A Role For Caveolin-1". Waled was supervised by Professor Andrew Murphy and Professor Jaye Chin Dusting in the Baker Institute.

Fiona's thesis is titled, "Identifying Novel Interventions To Reverse HIV Latency". Fiona was supervised by Professor Sharon Lewin (Adjunct Professor, Department of Infectious Diseases) and Dr Anthony Dear (ACBD).

Dr Ashlee Conway
Ashlee's thesis is titled, "The Investigation of Red Cell Mutants Identified in an ENU Mutagenesis Screen". Ashlee was supervised by Associate Professor David Curtis (Australian Centre for Blood Diseases, CCS) and Professor Steve Jane (Medicine, CCS).

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