3 Aug 2018

Recent CCS publications: 28 July-3 August 2018

Professor Stuart Roberts is last author on
a retrospective study of Australians suffering
from primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), a
chronic, or long-term, disease that slowly
damages the bile ducts
Recent publications for Central Clinical School affiliated authors in the following departments. Note, browse down this entry for complete publications list. Linked headings for each section are to the departments' home pages.

  • Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory Medicine (AIRmed)
  • Australian Centre for Blood Diseases (ACBD)
  • Diabetes
  • Gastroenterology
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Medicine
  • Monash Alfred Psychiatry research centre (MAPrc)
  • National Trauma Research Institute
  • Neuroscience
  • Surgery (including CORE)

  • AIRmed

    Barnes H, Edwards BA, Joosten SA, Naughton MT, Hamilton GS, Dabscheck E. Positional modification techniques for supine obstructive sleep apnea: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep Med Rev. 2017 Dec;36:107-115. doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2016.11.004. Epub 2016 Nov 18.


    Trezise S, Karnowski A, Fedele PL, Mithraprabhu S, Liao Y, D'Costa K, Kueh AJ, Hardy MP, Owczarek CM, Herold MJ, Spencer A, Shi W, Willis SN, Nutt SL, Corcoran LM. Mining the Plasma Cell Transcriptome for Novel Cell Surface Proteins. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Jul 24;19(8). pii: E2161. doi: 10.3390/ijms19082161.


    Marques FZ, Chu PY, Ziemann M, Kaspi A, Kiriazis H, Du XJ, El-Osta A, Kaye DM. Age-Related Differential Structural and Transcriptomic Responses in the Hypertensive Heart. Front Physiol. 2018 Jul 9;9:817. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.00817. eCollection 2018.

    Tabesh M et al, Zimmet PZ, Magliano DJ. Meeting American Diabetes Association diabetes management targets: trends in Mauritius. Diabet Med. 2017 Dec;34(12):1719-1727. doi: 10.1111/dme.13447. Epub 2017 Aug 31.

    Freeman E, Majeed A, Kemp W, Roberts SK. Long-Term outcomes of primary sclerosing cholangitis: an australian Non-Transplant tertiary hospital perspective. Intern Med J. 2018 Jul 24. doi: 10.1111/imj.14041. [Epub ahead of print]

    Linedale EC, Mikocka-Walus A, Vincent AD, Gibson PR, Andrews JM. Performance of an algorithm-based approach to the diagnosis and management of functional gastrointestinal disorders: A pilot trial. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2018 Jan;30(1). doi: 10.1111/nmo.13243. Epub 2017 Nov 2.

    Infectious Diseases

    Saag MS et al, Hoy JF, Volberding PA. Antiretroviral Drugs for Treatment and Prevention of HIV Infection in Adults: 2018 Recommendations of the International Antiviral Society-USA Panel. JAMA. 2018 Jul 24;320(4):379-396. doi: 10.1001/jama.2018.8431.

    Vlasova-St Louis I, Chang CC, Shahid S, French MA, Bohjanen PR. Transcriptomic Predictors of Paradoxical Cryptococcosis-Associated Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2018 Jul 2;5(7):ofy157. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofy157. eCollection 2018 Jul.


    Tran NTT er al, Srikanth V, Sharman J. S1933-1711(18)30194-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jash.2018.06.015. [Epub ahead of print] Misclassification of blood pressure of Vietnamese adults when only a single measurement is used. J Am Soc Hypertens. 2018 Jun 30. pii: S1933-1711(18)30194-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jash.2018.06.015. [Epub ahead of print]  

    Monash Alfred Psychiatry research centre (MAPrc)

    Lee S, Chung S1, Rogasch NC, Thomson CJ, Worsley RN, Kulkarni J, Thomson RH, Fitzgerald PB, Segrave RA. The influence of endogenous estrogen on transcranial direct current stimulation: A preliminary study. Eur J Neurosci. 2018 Jul 25. doi: 10.1111/ejn.14085. [Epub ahead of print]

    Sumner PJ, Bell IH, Rossell SL. A systematic review of the structural neuroimaging correlates of thought disorder. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2018 Jan;84:299-315. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2017.08.017. Epub 2017 Aug 30.

    Teede HJ et al. Kulkarni J (collaborator); International PCOS Network. Recommendations from the international evidence-based guideline for the assessment and management of polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertil Steril. 2018 Jul 12. pii: S0015-0282(18)30400-X. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2018.05.004. [Epub ahead of print]


    Costello DM, Kaye AH, O'Brien TJ, Shultz SR. Sport related concussion - Potential for biomarkers to improve acute management. J Clin Neurosci. 2018 Jul 25. pii: S0967-5868(18)30738-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2018.07.002. [Epub ahead of print]

    Naylor J, Churilov L, Johnstone B, Guo R, Xiong Y, Koome M, Chen Z, Thevathasan A, Chen Z, Liu X, Kwan P, Campbell BCV. The Association Between Atrial Fibrillation and Poststroke Seizures is Influenced by Ethnicity and Environmental Factors. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2018 Jul 20. pii: S1052-3057(18)30291-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2018.05.044. [Epub ahead of print]

    Vespa PM et al, Hunn M, Jones N, O'Brien T, Shultz S, Zimmermann L. The epilepsy bioinformatics study for anti-epileptogenic therapy (EpiBioS4Rx) clinical biomarker: Study design and protocol. Neurobiol Dis. 2018 Jul 23. pii: S0969-9961(18)30311-5. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2018.07.025. [Epub ahead of print]


    Lawrence MG et al, Grummet J, Risbridger GP. Patient-derived Models of Abiraterone- and Enzalutamide-resistant Prostate Cancer Reveal Sensitivity to Ribosome-directed Therapy. Eur Urol. 2018 Jul 13. pii: S0302-2838(18)30445-7. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2018.06.020. [Epub ahead of print]


    Putland M, Noonan M, Olaussen A, Cameron P, Fitzgerald M. Low major trauma confidence among emergency physicians working outside major trauma services: Inevitable result of a centralised trauma system or evidence for change? Emerg Med Australas. 2018 Jul 28. doi: 10.1111/1742-6723.13135. [Epub ahead of print]

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