6 Sept 2018

Save the date! 12 November 2018 CCS graduate research symposium

You are invited to attend a symposium held by, and for, PhD and Masters students at the Central Clinical School’s 2018 Annual Graduate Research Symposium - the 11th in the annual series - and be a part of the most interactive, student run event of the year.
Join us for a variety of presentations from postgraduate students around Central Clinical School. Details:
  • DATE Monday 12 November 2018
  • TIME 10 AM—3 PM
  • VENUE Level 5, Alfred Centre
  • ENQUIRIES ccs.hdr@monash.edu
Abstract submission by 28 September 2018 https://goo.gl/forms/MUWylJp5cr2GA3J93
Further, we have fun sessions for supervisors:
  • No Bell Prize Competition - Watch your supervisor explain their research with NO technical language! This is a serious challenge.
  • And watch them compete in the Explain my graph competition, where they release their inner stand-up comedian!

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